
“The customer doesn’t care” – oh yes they do

"The customer doesn't care" isn't just false, it's an excuse to cut corners

Building a globally interconnected network using Cloud WAN

Our organization has been seeing its business growing year over year and we found ourselves hosting AWS workloads in many peered VPCs spread across several accounts. Managing routing and overall network connectivity for these workloads has become a nightmare for all involved parties. If you are a technology leader looking to expand your cloud adoption, you will definitely want to read on! In this...
Calico CNI plugin to Cilium CNI plugin live migration

Live Migrating Production Clusters From Calico to Cilium

Objective We have a wide range of Kubernetes clusters running development, staging, and production workloads. One of the primary components of these clusters is the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin. This provides networking to your cluster and allows traffic to flow in and out of it. Kubernetes purposely does not come with this networking layer to allow us, the cluster operators, to choose the CNI...

Enabling TensorFlow Decision Forests in C

TensorFlow Decision Forests is a library that enables TensorFlow to run various decision forest models such as Gradient Boosting Trees (GBT) and Random Forests (RF). In some scenarios (e.g. tabular data) these models are easier to train and comprehend and can outperform deep neural network models (since they have fewer hyper parameters). On the other hand, deep neural networks generally excel in tasks...

The Agile Way To Engineering Decisions

At Samsung Ads we love moving fast to stay competitive. However, balancing speed with risk is crucial. While moving quickly can give us a competitive edge, it’s important to weigh that speed against potential risks like getting locked into a vendor, exposing sensitive data, or facing unpredicted costs caused by a lack of cost analysis. So, strive for a balance. The first step is...

From Testing Reluctance to Testing-First

We all know that ‘Wait, what did I just break?’ moment when coding, right? It’s like a right of passage for developers. But what if I told you it’s even scarier after merging to production? Trust me; it happened. This is the story of our journey from software chaos to a testing-first mentality. The Early Days When our development team first formed, we were tasked...

Bunny Hops and State Digging: Revamping the State Management Burrow

A billion here, a billion there~ "A billion here, a billion there~ and pretty soon you're talking real money." --Senator Everett Dirksen From the multitude of items on our backlog at Samsung Ads, some of the ones I always keep close to my heart are the ones related to clearing technical debt. If I wasn't clear, technical debt is a special kind of evil, with...